The tool that is human consciousness is as beautiful as it is catastrophic.
On the plus side, it grants us to recognize ourselves as malleable entities outside the forces of primal instincts, giving us an area of infinite possibilities on how to perceive and shape our lives. But we also function amid fabricated narratives we instructed ourselves with over time, with the aim to comprehend our psychological competences. Therefore, we are embedded in fictions we trust as truths leading us to be in part unconsciously trapped amongst them. As history can recall since the growth of civilizations, reconsidering those everlasting and evolving systems - for example, laws, human rights, territories, or religions - is a never-ending source of war, discrimination, and inequity. The explanation: not everyone believes the same stories.
Our mind led us to forget that we only play one of many roles in this world and that our tendency for anthropocentrism was implanted by the very notion that we must reason for a reason, accordingly elevating our status on earth: we are creatures that seek purpose as a purpose in itself, trying to make sense of undefined meanings, blindly following human beliefs as authoritarian laws.
We must remind ourselves of our genesis to manage our existential expectations - from cosmic dust set with chemical elements (atoms) to molecules, to cells, and goes on the theory of evolution. Carefully examining those fossils from the past enables us to reassess our predominance as a species. In that sense, we must probe human preoccupations, not exclusively within the canon of Homo sapiens modern virtues, but must bear in mind a level of implication regarding the grander conception of life.
We are just, and in fact, nothing more than microorganisms of the universe.